Using key information gained from reading the 5 Critical Factors, strategies and tactics can be formulated and put into action to insure both effective and safe emergency response operations. |
Building on the outstanding training programs developed by Dave Dodson, The 5 Reads is a class developed by the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) for Company Officers, Incident Safety Officers and Chief Officers where they can learn to take their ability to Read the 5 Critical Factors at any emergency response to the next level. The class will review and emphasize the significance of The 5 Reads which include:
“A real world look at how to manage the fireground from people that have been there.” “It was a great program for firefighters that don’t run a lot of fires or operate as a full-time ISO.” “This is a program that should be offered outside the FDSOA conference, so more firefighters have access to the very valuable information.” Comments from our class attendees! |