Trevor Shea International Director |
I am currently the Deputy Fire Chief of the City Of Woodstock Fire department. I started my carrier in the Fire Service in 1995 as a member of The Pas Manitoba Fire Department. During my time in The Pas, I also served as a medic for their Ambulance service.
When I returned to Southern Ontario, I was quickly hired by Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES), where I served 19 years. During my time at MFES, I wore several hats Firefighter, Company Officer, Training Officer, Division Chief of Professional Development and Accreditation, and Division Chief of Operations and Communications. I obtained my Safety Officer accreditation through FDSOA during my time as a Training Officer and have been able to apply that valuable knowledge during training and emergency responses over my career.
I have also served on health and safety committees as a committee member in MFES and as Co-chair in Woodstock. I also pride myself on being a leader in all levels of the Fire Service's overall wellness. I was the MFES management chair of the Wellness Fitness Initiative (WFI) committee. That committee offered me opportunities to develop curriculum and programs that benefitted everyone's total wellness on MFES, both physically and mentally. One of my proudest achievements on that committee was spearheading obtaining one of the Fire Services' first Service Dogs in Canada. The result was adding Ajax, the service dog, to the MFES WFI team. I was also honoured to be a member of the Employee Family Assistance Program (EFAP) for the whole City of Mississauga. This opportunity allowed me to tailor the EFAP program for the fire service so that frontline Firefighters could receive treatment and care over and above the standard City plan.